Crystals: Reflectors of Light, Vibration & Energy
Surprisingly, I can’t remember my first crystal. I can’t even remember how it all started. The complete and full obsession with these gorgeous little gems seemingly came out of nowhere. It grew as my interest in all things that I fondly refer to as “woo-woo stuff” intensified. This other realm of consciousness was slowly revealed to me. Crystals have become a part of my spiritual toolbox. I realized when I had cancer that medical practices are just one part of the body’s healing equation. Equally powerful and necessary to your healing are your mind, your emotions, and spirit. And not just when you are sick, everyday maintenance is essential. For example, if you never change the oil in your car, eventually it will break down. Spiritual maintenance is often overlooked but incredibly valuable.
I have friends who probably think it is super out there that I have all these crystals and that I use them to help my reiki clients with healing. Other woo-woo practices I love and embrace are shamanism, energy healing, sound healing, psychic readings, meditation, yoga, qi gong, and of course my Crystal Reiki practice. I’m open to it all. I love learning about new modalities and practices. I hope I never stop learning. I absolutely love it when a non woo-woo friend trusts me and becomes open to this new realm of possibilities. I know its hard for people who haven’t immersed themselves in this world to understand it. I always say how powerful the mind is. Your beliefs and perspectives can change your entire existence. The power you have is actually astonishing. And many people have no idea it is right there under the surface. A transformational gift just waiting to be opened. Crystals are symbolic to me of the power of mindset, transformation, and the evolution of the spirit. It’s all life changing and it is all right there for you to tap into.
Many people ask -how do crystals work? Well, to simplify it as much as I can, everything is made up of energy. We are made of energy and so are crystals. We both have energetic frequencies. Crystals can affect our frequency when placed into our energy field. Our bodies work to meet the frequency of that specific crystal. Which is why the different frequencies of each crystal affect certain and specific things for us. For example, rose quartz has an energetic frequency of 350Hz. Rose Quartz is a heart opener, wonderful for promoting love and self love. When placed in our energy field, our energetic frequency shifts.
I think the most powerful impact crystals have is that they represent your intention for healing, releasing, or bringing certain things into your life. Your intention, in my opinion is more powerful than anything else. Do you want to feel more relaxed, open to love, get rid of stress and self-doubt? Do you want to attract prosperity, sleep better, or get rid of negativity? Crystals can be used as symbolism for all of these intentions. And that attracts these things to you. Crystals help set your incredible manifestation powers in motion. For example, if you set Citrine on your desk to attract abundance, then every time you look at that crystal you think about abundance and you are then attracting it into your life. You have set the intention by placing it on your desk and you are reinforcing that intention and manifestation throughout your day.
Crystals are not just for the modern mystic. Crystals have been used throughout time. Ancient Egyptians used crystals for both healing and protection and Ancient Greeks and Romans used crystals for protection and wore them into battles. The belief and use of crystals is nothing new.
To keep your crystals functioning optimally they must be energetically cleansed from time to time. Charging your crystals under the deeply restorative energy of the full moon is one of the best ways to purify their vibration. It helps them release unwanted or built up energy that is not needed. The moonlight’s glow casts its sacred feminine energy into the crystals, making them ready to assist you in your healing practices once again. Every full moon I give my crystals a “moon bath”. The energy of the full moon is always strong and palpable, making it the very best time for an energetic cleanse and recharge. Sometimes I like to stand under the moonlight and soak in those majestic vibes myself.
Our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellness are all affected by the functioning of our energetic body. Did you ever think that the universe gave us things to heal us? Sunrises, starlit night skies, herbs, tranquil healing waters, fresh mountain air….. and gorgeous sparkly rocks called crystals. There is healing everywhere if you are lucky enough to see it! Seek out that which heals your soul. Experiment, be open, and know that there is so much you don’t yet know… I love that feeling!
Marci Lingelbach is a Crystal Reiki Master in Franklin, TN. She never met a crystal she didn’t love! Marci is a seeker of all things magical and mystical. You can find her at, on IG @reikibymarci and