Energetic Hygiene -Yeah, it’s a thing!

We all know about basic hygiene. Take a shower, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes…basically take care of our physical body. Well, did you know that energetic hygiene is equally as important?! Oh yes!

Energetic Hygiene is another essential way of taking care of ourselves. It refers to intentional practices to clear and protect our energy and vibration. Good spiritual hygiene allows us to be fully connected to our authentic self, without bad energy, chaos, stress, and confusion floating around us. Good spiritual hygiene brings us peace, clarity, and a clear mind. It brings out our best selves. It is a key component in resiliency. Resiliency is so important to our well being because it allows us to handle anything life throws at us with ease.

Here are some of my go-to spiritual practices that can have a huge impact on your life!

  1. Grounding. This is one of my favorite practices for a quick and effective reset! All it takes is a few minutes to release all that is not serving your highest and best good. Stand barefoot in the grass and allow your body to connect with the earth. Then visualize yourself releasing into the ground everything that is not serving you. Release other peoples energies and moods, release your worries and stress, release anything that is not for your highest good. Visualize it all leaving your body and being absorbed into the earth. You are left with your true self, free and cleansed of everything else.

  2. Meditation. Even just a few minutes a day can change your life! This is your time to get quiet and turn inward, to listen to your intuition. You are creating a space for the divine to communicate with you and guide you. It also helps you to slow down and be in the moment so you can be in touch with your soul and what it needs to thrive.

  3. Sunlight and exercise. Two of the best things in the world! Sunlight on your body restores your life force energy. The suns rays are so healing and nurturing. Morning sunlight especially reinvigorates you. The sun equals life for almost everything. Exercise moves energy through your body, calms you down, helps you release stuck energies and replace them with something refreshing. Exercise feels good for the body and focuses the mind like nothing else.

  4. Shower release. This is another quick and easy release to make a big impact on your energy. Stand in the shower with your eyes closed and the water spraying down on you. Imagine every stress you had during the day, every annoyance, all the energies you felt that were not your own, imagine it all being cleansed off of you and sent down the drain. Leaving you with nothing but your pure essence and light.

  5. Environment clearing. Open all your windows and clear out the stagnant air and energies. Refresh your space with clean fresh air. Burn some palo santo or sage and speak blessings upon your space. You will feel this refresh instantly!

  6. Reiki session. As a Reiki practitioner I cannot recommend this enough. Reiki addresses all sorts of stored stress, anxiety, and worry. Many life experiences and feelings that we have not had time to process properly  build up and get stuck in our energy field. Our bodies continue to store emotions and thoughts and feelings and over time it becomes a lot. If we do not release these things they begin to affect how we feel. We can be weighed down with things we aren’t even aware of. Reiki is an excellent way to gently release trapped emotions and restore our good energy. Don’t forget that distance reiki sessions are just as effective as in person sessions!

  7. Putting up a shield and setting boundaries. When you know you are going into an uncomfortable or possible bad situation it is a powerful practice to set up a protective shield. Your intention to do this will create an energetic barrier between your energy and the energy around you. Keeping you safe from absorbing negativity. This is a good idea to do anytime you know you will be in a crowded place, as energies can attach to you easily and in crowds you never know what you are going to get. You ever notice how a bad mood can be contagious? Or you walk by someone and can feel that something is off? Protect yourself from an onslaught of unpredictable energy with this practice.

  8. Take the high road. Not being reactive to other peoples negativity is a superpower. If someone says something blatantly insulting or condescending to you, what do you do? Call them out, fire back and give them a piece of your mind? Sometimes that is appropriate, but more often than not, it just lowers you to where they are at. And you do not need to stoop down to a negative place. Instead, just observe their negativity and realize it really has nothing to do with you. Be thankful you don’t operate like that. Take the high road and don’t give others the power to affect your peace!

    Try out some or all of these practices to cleanse your spirit and raise your vibration so you can feel your absolute best! Make these routines part of your daily hygiene habits. Brush your teeth, floss, ground, meditate, you’ve got the idea! You will feel healthier, happier, more resilient, and in the flow of life!

Marci Lingelbach is a Crystal Reiki Master in Franklin, TN. You can find her at reikibymarci.com, and on Instagram and Facebook @reikibymarci.


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